Reverting Squash Commits in Git

Reverting squash commits can indeed be a bit tricky, especially if you want to maintain a clean and understandable history in your Git repository. The git reflog command is your best friend in such situations. It's like a diary of all the actions you've performed on your repository, making it easier to navigate through different states.

By running git reflog, you get a list of all recent actions along with their corresponding commit hashes. You can then identify the commit where you squashed your changes and want to revert back to its pre-squash state.

Once you've identified the commit, you can use git reset --hard <commit_hash> to reset your current branch to that specific commit. Be cautious though, as git reset --hard will discard any changes after the specified commit.

Remember, while git reflog and git reset --hard are powerful tools, it's always a good idea to double-check your actions before executing them, especially when dealing with history rewrites in a shared repository.